LipoDissolve / Fat Dissolve | |||||
What is LipoDissove? LipoDissolve started about 50 years ago in France through the work of a physician who was trying to find a cure for deafness (Source: Dermatological Times, December 1, 2004). It gained further notoriety in the U.S. after singer Roberta Flack appeared on ABC’s 20/20 claiming it helped her lose 40 pounds (although she said she also dieted and exercised, what stood out for lots of people was the part that didn’t involve diet and exercise..). LipoDissolve injections are delivered 6 -13 mm into the mid corporeal fat layer of tissue. The treatment involves a series of injections. The most common medication used in LipoDissolve is phosphatidylcholine (PPC) in combination with deoxycholate (DC). Many studies have shown that this combination can successfully reduce fat when injected into the adipose layer. How Does LipoDissolve work? LipoDissolve consists of multiple injections described above into the undesired fat tissue. The PPC/DC will slowly dissolve and breakdown the fat. The body naturally eliminates the residue after a LipoDissolve session, over the following three to four weeks. Who is a candidate for LipoDissolve? Additionally, the medications used in LipoDissolve treatments are specifically tailored for each patient. The treatment of areas with heavy cellulite may include special medications that can safely dissolve the fibrous septae (see figure) and release the dimpled appearance. What you can expect from LipoDissolve? Results vary depending on the type and amount of fat in the particular area. At follow-up averaging 9 months, more than 50% of patients have reported persistence of benefit, while 20% experienced some fading, and 10-20% received no benefit at all. Is LipoDissolve Safe? Patients considering LipoDissolve treatments for cellulite must be aware that the treatments are not FDA approved and have not been thoroughly evaluated for safety or efficacy, but after 50 years of use the treatments are medically benign. What are treatment costs? Is LipoDissolve the same as Mesotherapy? No. Mesotherapy is a technique used to deliver medications, natural ingredients such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids, and homeopathic substances, to a specific area of the body to treat a specific condition. Mesotherapy is done by micro-injections into the layer just beneath the skin, called the mesoderm at a depth of 1 to 4 mm. LipoDissolve uses a longer penetration of 6 -13 mm of medications (such as phosphatidylcoline) into the mid corporeal fat layer. Mesotherapy treatment may be used in combination with LipoDissolve therapy in some cases with excellent results. Phosphatidylcoline (PPC) is the main component of soy lecithin. One significant quality of lecithin is its ability to break down fat. PPC is medically proven to reduce cholesterol, increase metabolism and enhance liver function. PPC has been used by physicians for the past few years as a safe alternative for localized fat. How is LipoDissolve different than Liposuction? LipoDissolve is the alternative for the person who wants to undergo Liposuction but is looking for an alternatives to surgery. Liposuction is a surgical procedure - LipoDissolve is a Non-Surgical treatment. LipoDissolve outcomes rely on proper injection and patient selection. Lipodissolve is suitable for non-obese patients with localized fat accumulation which cannot be reduced with appropriate diet and exercise. If you are seeking a minimally invasive fat reduction treatment, and believe you are a candidate for LipoDissolve, then please Call (310) 473-1734 today for a complimentary consultation to see if you qualify for LipoDissolve treatments. |